Adrian Bartosinski responded to the words of Andrzej Grzebyk, KSW welterweight champion intends to crush the contender.
Both Adrian Bartosinski and Andrzej Grzebyk entered the KSW round cage at the KSW 100 anniversary gala in Gliwice. Bartosinski lost in the fight of the evening to the legendary Mamed Khalidov, while Grzebyk reached for victory in a clash with young Wiktor Zalewski.
As recently as the KSW 100 gala, Grzebyk announced that Mamed would infuse Bartos by taking zero from his record, and he would crown the works of destruction in a rematch fight for the welterweight division championship belt.
Now Adrian Bartosinski has responded to these words of the former double FEN champion on the Klatka po Klatka program hosted by journalist Artur Mazur.
– If Double Champ were to fight Mamed, and I knew I was fighting him in my next fight, I would really want him to win against Mamed, because if I win against him, I know I’m taking Mamed and him.
– And I think he’s so afraid of me that he would rather I lose to Mamed, because he thinks it will make a difference, that I will be weaker mentally or physically for fighting him and he will have an easier road. Wouldn’t it be better for him if I won against Mamed and he won against me?
Bartosinski suggested that he intends to repay Grzebyk for enjoying his loss. Adrian believes he now has extra motivation to take Andrew apart.
– Double Champ after the next fight will regret the fact that he enjoyed my loss. Double Champ is going under a moving train, but he doesn’t know it yet.