Artur Gwóźdź commented on the detention of Andrzej Koscielski. The manager of the ARTNOX group claims that police officers exaggerated their actions.
Artur Gwóźdź was a guest in the latest edition of MMA Monday, which airs on FanSport‘s channel. The founder and general manager of the ARTNOX Fight Sport group was asked by Michal Tuszynski about his opinion on the retention of coach Andrzej Koscielski.
Artur Nail recalled the moment when he himself was arrested and admitted that he was battered horribly. The manager admitted that, in his opinion, some officers feel like superman when putting on a uniform for an action.
– I was even battered, the penitentiary did not want to accept me because I was so massacred by the troops. Putting on such a uniform, he feels like Superman.
Nail believes that a number of measures were unnecessarily applied during the detention of coach Andrzej Koscielski. Artur pointed out that the coach of the ANKOS MMA club opened the door and did not resist.
– This situation showed how these measures are inadequate. He opens the door, he gives up, it is to destroy this man. The family also suffers from this. These measures are exaggerated and used to destroy the man. Sometimes a normal detention is enough.