Paweł Jóźwiak mentioned Mateusz Rębecki’s departure from FEN, the former president recalled that the contract was such that the organization could take a commission, and gave the fighter away for free.
Mateusz Rębecki is currently fighting in the UFC organization. The Berserkers Team fighter previously fought in the Polish FEN organization. While fighting at Fight Exclusive Night, Rêbecki reached for the lightweight championship belt.
At the end of last year, Rebeasti stated in an interview with the Weszło portal that in FEN he felt tethered and wronged by certain people. Jakub Borowicz, the current president of FEN, has previously addressed this topic.
Now Pawel Jóźwiak, i.e. the former president of the organization, has spoken on the matter, making it clear that he had a good relationship with Mateusz Rêbecki.
– I lived well with him,” replied Jóźwiak, who shed new light on the situation.
Pawel Jozwiak, however, admitted that he was hurt by Mateusz Rêbecki’s statement. Jóźwiak stressed that in view of the contractual provisions, the FEN organization could have demanded a commission for the fighter’s transition to the UFC, but did not do so.
– He was more uptight with my partner. I think this is the genesis of this conflict. I’m a little hurt by this interview… I know he holds a grudge against my partner. On the other hand, Matthew forgot one thing, that we didn’t really have to let him go to the UFC, because he had a binding contract with us.
– We were able to cough up money for it. We had this agreement that if he went to the UFC, we got a percentage of it. And that we actually gave it away completely for free. We gave up the commission…. You know, at least after such a gesture Matthew should remember that in this organization he promoted himself, here he became a star. There were worse moments, better moments, as in any business. But at the very end we didn’t act like greedy scoundrels, we just gave up. Thanks to this movement, he is now thriving.