Privacy Policy

The privacy of our website visitors is very important to us and we make every effort to protect it. This policy explains the rules and how we collect, process and use information about users of CHAOS MEDIA Sp. z o.o.The following “Privacy Policy” is effective as of September 01, 2021, as amended.

Our Privacy Policy informs you how we process the personal data of the Users of our websites, in particular:

  • Who is the controller of your personal data,
  • What data we process,
  • For what purpose and on what basis we process data,
  • To whom we share data,
  • How long we process data,
  • What rights our users have as data subjects
  • 1 Personal data controller
  1. The administrator of personal data within the meaning of Article 4 point 4 of RODO is CHAOS MEDIA Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with its registered office in Olsztyn, 1 Marka Kotańskiego Street, 10-166 Olsztyn
    The User may contact in all matters concerning the processing of personal data and the exercise of rights related to data processing:
    by letter to the address: Marka Kotańskiego 1 Street, 10-166 Olsztyn, marked “Personal Data “Via e-mail:
  2. The controller pursuant to Article 32(1) of the RODO shall observe the principle of personal data protection and shall use appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, modification, unauthorized disclosure of or unauthorized access to personal data processed in connection with its operations.
  • 2 Collection of personal data

We obtain your Data such as IP address or other identifiers and information collected through cookies or other similar technologies when you visit our Services.

The following types of personal data may be collected, stored and used:

  1. Computer information, including IP address, geographic location, browser type and version, and operating system;
  2. information about your visits to and use of this site, including the source of referrals, length of visit, page views and site navigation paths;
  3. information, such as your email address, that you provide when registering on our website;
  4. information entered when creating a profile on our site – for example, name, profile photos, gender, birthday, relationship status, interests and hobbies, educational data and employment data;
  5. information, such as your name and email address, that you provide to set up a subscription to our newsletters;
  6. Information entered when using the services on our website;
  7. information that is generated when you use our website, including when, how often and under what circumstances you use it;
  8. information published on our website with the intention of publishing it on the Internet, including your username, profile pictures and the content of the posts you make;
  9. information contained in any correspondence sent to us by email or through our website, including communication content and metadata;
  10. any other personal information you send us
  • 3 Use of personal data

Personal information submitted to us through our website will be used for the purposes specified in this policy or on the relevant pages of the website. We may use your personal information for the purpose of:

  1. administration of our website;
  2. personalizing our service for you;
  3. to enable the use of services related to the maintenance and operation of an account on the Site – the legal basis for processing is the necessity of processing for the performance of the contract (Article 6(1)(b) RODO), and with regard to Data provided optionally – the legal basis for processing is consent (Article 6(1)(a) RODO);
  4. sending our email newsletter, if you have requested it (you can inform us at any time if you no longer wish to receive the newsletter)
  5. to provide third parties with statistical information about our users (but these third parties will not be able to identify any specific user from this information);
  6. dealing with inquiries and complaints made by you or concerning you in connection with our website;
  7. To ensure the security of our website and prevent fraud;
  8. Verify compliance with the terms of use of our website (including monitoring private messages sent through our private messaging service)
  9. for the purpose of providing access to the content collected on the Service, in which case the legal basis for the processing is our legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) RODO) in distributing our content;
  10. for analytical and statistical purposes, in which case the legal basis for the processing is our legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) RODO), consisting in conducting analyses of users’ activities, as well as their preferences, in order to improve the functionalities used and services provided;
  11. for the purpose of possibly establishing, investigating or defending against claims – the legal basis for the processing is our legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) RODO) in protecting our rights;

We will not, without your express consent, provide your personal information to third parties, or any other related third parties, for direct marketing purposes.

Personalization and customization of editorial and marketing contentWe processyour Personal Data to customize editorial content and to carry out marketing activities, which may consist of:

  • displaying marketing content to you independent of your preferences (including standard advertising);
  • displaying marketing content to you that matches your interests (behavioral advertising);
  • targeting e-mail notifications of interesting offers or content, which in some cases contain commercial information (newsletter service);
  • conducting other activities related to direct marketing of goods and services (sending commercial information electronically).
  • displaying to you editorial content that is tailored to your stated preferences;
  • displaying you editorial content that corresponds to your geolocation (e.g., local content);

In order to carry out marketing activities, we use profiling in some cases. This means that we evaluate your selected behavior or make predictions about your future behavior through automatic processing of Data.

The legal basis for processing Personal Data to personalize and customize editorial content is our legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) of the DPA) in providing content tailored to your preferences.

Cookies are small files that make it possible to record and read information directly on the device on which you visit websites (e.g. computer, smartphone, smart TV). The information recorded in cookies is used by us, among other things, for advertising and statistical purposes and to customize our websites to the individual needs of Users. You can change your cookie settings in your web browser. If these settings remain unchanged, cookies will be stored in the memory of the User’s device. Changing the settings regarding cookies may limit the functionality of the Website.

Consent to the processing of cookies is granted in particular by using the button containing a statement of consent to the processing of cookies or confirming that you have read its terms and conditions. This consent can be withdrawn at any time, free of charge and described in the section on cookie management. We process cookies on the basis of Article 173 of the Act of July 16, 2004. Telecommunications Law (Journal of Laws of 2016, No. 0, item 1489, as amended).

In terms of the purposes of using cookies, we distinguish between three categories of them:

  • indispensable files – these files enable the proper operation of the portal and the functionalities that the Customer wants to use, such as authentication cookies. Without their storage on the Customer’s device, the use of the portal is impossible,
  • functional files – files that allow remembering the settings selected by the Customer and adjusting them to his/her needs and preferences, e.g. with regard to the selected language, font size, appearance of the website. They allow the Seller to improve the functionality and efficiency of the website. Without their saving on the Customer’s device, the use of some of the Store’s functionalities may be limited,
  • Business files – this category includes, for example, advertising cookies. They enable customization of advertisements displayed on or off the portal to the Customer’s preferences. Without their storage on the Customer’s device, the use of certain portal functionalities may be limited.

In terms of their expiration time, we distinguish between two categories of cookies:

  • Session files – existing until the end of a given Client session,
  • persistent files – existing after the client completes the session.

In terms of distinguishing the entity that administers cookies, we distinguish:

  • Seller’s cookies,
  • third-party cookies.

Third-party cookies

The seller may use cookies used by Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States as part of its services:

  • Google Adwords – they allow you to conduct and evaluate the quality of advertising campaigns, implemented using the Google Adwords service,
  • Google Analytics – they allow you to evaluate the quality of advertising campaigns, implemented using the Google Adwords service, as well as to study customer behavior and traffic and compile traffic statistics,
  • Google Maps – these allow the storage of information about the Customer that enables the use of the map functionality available through the Google Maps service. Google Inc. may track the Customer’s location,
  • YouTube – they allow the storage of information about the Customer, which enables the use of the functionality of the YouTube service. Google Inc. may track the Client’s video playback.

The merchant may use cookies used by Facebook Inc. 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, United States. These files may be used to connect user accounts: in the external social network Facebook with the account of the Website, if it provides such functionality. These files may also be used to process the Customer’s activities on Facebook, performed with the “Share” or “Like” buttons. The processing of these activities may be public.

The use of third-party cookies is subject to the privacy and cookie policies of these entities.

Managing cookies and other information

Most often, the browser settings by default allow the placement of cookies and other information on the end device. If the customer does not agree to the saving of these files, it is necessary to change the browser settings accordingly. It is possible to disable their storage for all connections from a particular browser or for a specific site, as well as to delete them. How the files are managed depends on the software you use.

Consent to the processing of cookies is voluntary. However, please note that restrictions on their use may make it difficult or impossible to use some of the functionality of the site. Consenting to the use of cookies in accordance with the terms of this policy on your first visit to our site allows us to use cookies on each subsequent visit to our site.

Links to other websites or software

The store may contain links to other websites or software. We are not responsible for the privacy and cookie processing policies of these websites or software. We recommend that you read the privacy and cookie policies of these websites or software after accessing them or before installing them.

  • 4 Security of personal data
  1. We will take reasonable technical and organizational precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of your personal information.
  2. We will store all the personal information you provide on our secure servers (password and firewall protected).
  3. The user acknowledges that the transmission of information over the Internet is potentially dangerous and the security of data transmitted in this way is not guaranteed.
  • 5 Recipients of personal data
  1. The data controller may transfer personal data by means of a contract of entrustment of personal data processing to entities performing on his behalf and for his benefit some of the tasks concerning the processing of personal data, among others: accounting offices, providers of online invoicing and accounting systems, law firms, providers of hosting services, providers of live chat services or entities handling electronic marketing (e.g. MailChimp).
  2. Transfer of data outside the EEAOur partners are mainly based in countries in the European Economic Area (EEA) or in Switzerland, recognized as a country that meets an adequate level of protection for Personal Data. Some of our Trusted Partners, e.g. Google or Facebook, are based outside the EEA – the transfer of data to them will only take place if an adequate level of protection of your Data is guaranteed. These guarantees arise in particular from the obligation to apply the standard contractual clauses adopted by the Commission (EU) or participation in the Privacy Shield program established under Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1250 of July 12, 2016 on the adequacy of the protection provided by the EU-US Privacy Shield. You have the right to request that we provide you with a copy of the standard contractual clauses by directing your request to us.

§6 Period of personal data processing

This period depends on the type of service provided and the purpose of processing, i.e:

  • if consent has been given until revoked or restricted
  • where the basis for processing is the legitimate interest of the controller, until you make an effective objection,
  • for tax and accounting purposes to the extent and for the duration consistent with applicable regulations.

§7 Rights of the data subject

  1. Any person whose personal data is processed by the controller has the right to access the content of their data, the right to rectification, erasure (“right to be forgotten”), restriction of processing, right to data portability, right to object, and right to withdraw consent to data processing at any time, In order to exercise the above rights, please contact the Editorial Board of the portal (data above).
  2. Any person who believes that his or her personal data is being processed by the controller in violation of the provisions of the RODO or other relevant laws regarding the processing of personal data has the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.