Marcin Różalski talked about coaching fighters who fight professional fights. Różal admitted that he is a demanding trainer.
Marcin Różalski was a guest on the latest edition of the Trybuna Ludu program. Jaru traveled to Różaland to meet with Marcin and record long footage in which Różal answered a great number of questions asked by fans.
One fan suggested that Różal should run his club and asked Marcin Różalski a question.
– Różal are you thinking about opening your combat sports club? You have a lot of knowledge and I think fighters from your stable, knowing your character would give strong and bloody fights.
The book “Różal Self-Destruction Manual” is available for sale online. The price is PLN 64.99, and by buying it you are supporting the Pomagaj Pomagać Foundation. You can buy the amazing book, which presents intriguing and previously unknown stories from Różal’s life, exclusively at ksiazkarozala.pl.
Marcin Różalski answered a fan’s question with the words.
– I now have a total of three players under my wing. Arman, Green and Kamil. Arman for this moment under my flag has fought two fights and won two. Because I believe that the fight he won, the result was different because the judges gave, but for me he is a winner. Kamil made two fights, the doctor could have let this fight go, but he didn’t, but there was a fight so bloody, there 3 or 4 knockdowns were in one round. Once he floored his opponent, once his opponent floored him and so on. Well, and Green has one fight under my flag so far, won before time.
– These are the players with whom I have become friends, these are my friends. These are not so much the players I train but my friends with whom we have this thread of friendship. You know what I mean. I am a trainer under performance, I would no longer be able to, for example, get a group and lead them from scratch, teach them to walk, all that and so on. I’m not fit for that anymore because I’m a demanding trainer.
– I used to have a big club in Plock and also in my younger years, so I got a little bit of it all, how ungrateful it is. I don’t think I would want to. I could, for example, be a coach at someone’s club, that is, someone gives me a salary, someone gives me a full-time position and I’m a coach, but only under performance (a group of professionals).